What are the Dangers of Asbestos

Despite asbestos being present for the last 4500 years, asbestos is a silent problem that occurs naturally. The health problems from the same came to light in the Roman days, when the lung problems were seen in the slaves who worked around asbestos. They are very dangerous and they can affect the human body adversely. Mixed with Products Most of …

Where can you find Asbestos?

Asbestos is infamous for the risk it poses to the health of people that work with asbestos or stay in proximity to it. Concerned with public health, many governments have banned its usage. All the different forms of asbestos pose serious health problems to humans. Asbestos owes the responsibility of causing Mesothelioma in men and women. The most dangerous asbestos …

What You Need To Know About Mold and Mold Removal

Mold is a type of fungus with spores and hair-like bodies of individual mold colonies which are too small for us to see without a microscope. Molds are decomposers of dead organic material, such as wood; plants; and leaves. When there is a large amount of mold growing on a surface, it will appear to have a black or green …

What is an Asbestos Abatement Company

Asbestos abatement can simply be defined as a process by which asbestos deposits can be removed from a home or any other property. Generally, this process is carried out for homes that were built during or before the 1970s. At that time, asbestos was one of the primary ingredients of house construction materials because of which it is found in …